Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summoning Angels...

I believe that "Angels" can be our associates, as we live our covenants and exercise faith in Jesus Christ, and even when we don't. I believe sometimes these angels are family members that have passed on. I have felt these angels strengthen me through the years, cheer me on, rejoice with me when deliverance through trials comes to fruition, and sorrow with me as trials linger for months, even years. I wish I knew which "angels" were helping me. Sometimes I wish I could see them. For now, I just feel them near, and even "hear" them speak to my mind. The scripture in 2 Nephi 32:3 testifies of this concept "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost..."

The reason I bring this topic up is because my former mother in law sent me an angel bell. I love it! A few days ago when the boys were fighting and I was about to lose it, I picked up the angel bell and walked through our house ringing it. It's as if I was summoning the angels to come and help us, help me. They found it comical, but I found it symbolic. We can ask (summon) for help from "angels". Sometimes angels come in the form of friends, and sometimes they are unseen.

When we lived in Oklahoma many moons ago, I had an angel friend. Our family was going through a tremendous trial, one that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. It was excruciatingly painful to my heart, mind, and soul. I didn't think my heart would make it through what was happening. My faith was hanging by a thread. The Lord put an angel friend in my path who rescued me every day from my despair. She will never know how she saved me from my grief. She was one of the Lord's angels sent to be there for me. I have had many experiences like this! More recently was my sister who came to live with me when my marriage was falling apart. She was my angel then! I thank the Lord for his angels to assist us on this mortal journey.

I hope you recognize the heavenly help the Lord sends to you on a daily basis. He loves us so much! He wants to help us on our journey home to HIM! He doesn't want to lose he sends Angels!

                                                                    The Angel Bell

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