Sunday, January 30, 2011

Trials, Tragedies, Truly Blessed

I am one lucky girl. How many single moms have the love and support of family, like I do? How many single moms have ex-husbands who faithfully pay child support and alimony every month, like I do? How many single moms don't have to work outside the home? How many single moms can attend college, while their own children are at school, and then be able to be a full-time mom when they're home? How many single moms live in a great ward where they feel valued, accepted, and needed, like I do? How many single moms get to attend the temple every week because the temple is only 15 minutes away? How many single moms...the list could go on and on about how truly blessed I am in my present circumstances. I'm not trying to boast at all, I'm just amazed at how good the Lord is to me. He makes my burden light! He sends peace to my heart and soul. I don't ever want to do anything that would take away that peace. I am grateful  for my trials, I wouldn't want anyone elses. I was privileged to attend a fireside tonight of a remarkable woman who survived an airplane crash, but was badly burned over 70% of her body. She is a living testament that miracles still exist today, and that God helps us overcome tragedy. Through the tragedies of life we get to learn things about ourselves that are crucial for our eternal progression. The Lord knows just the tragedies we need in our lives to help us rediscover the spiritual beings we've always been. We did live before we were born. There was a pre-earth life. I believe as we overcome our trials and tragedies, with the Lord's help, we get heavenly reminders of how wonderful we really are. We can make it, we are wonderful, if we have the Lord first and foremost in our lives. 

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